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History of our company

In 1984, Ahmed Al-Liwaa established a small law office in Cairo. From the outset, the office had ambitions to stand out. It built its culture on the highest professional standards, and these values formed the foundation that has guided us toward the professionalism that continues to direct us today.

+ 2500
Our clients
+ 40
years of experience

Our values:

We consider ourselves ambassadors of the Islamic East in deed, not in word, and in our endeavour to achieve leadership and excellence, we are armed with strong values, summarised as follows:

Commitment to the Highest Professional Standards
  • Prioritizing the client's interest over the company's. 
  • Maintaining high standards and conditions for providing services to clients. 
Significantly Enhancing Our Clients' Performance
  • Adopting a top management approach. 
  • Striving for comprehensive impact

We Specialise In...

Establishing offshore companies (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, etc.)

One Person Company Formation

Establishing a joint stock company.

Our Goal

Our goal is to help our clients achieve distinctive, lasting, tangible improvements in their performance and build a great organisation that attracts, develops, motivates and retains exceptional people.

Our Team

Al Lewaa Group for Integrated Legal Services has a highly professional team

MR. Waleed Ahmed

MR. Mohammad Al-Liwa

Ahmed Shokry

Karim Al liwa